Ton synopsis donne envie de lire ton histoire. Je like en attendant de revenir lire tes premiers chapitres. Si tu trouves 5 min pour venir chez moi et liker en retour ce serait sympa 😊 Si tu as le temps de lire et de donner ton avis tu mettras des paillettes dans ma vie 🤗😁🥳
Il y a 24 jours
Bienvenue dans le concours. Un début en anglais ! Amazing !
Seb Verdier
Il y a 24 jours
In English ? Ok... As the Bard would say : " as you 'like' it " ;)
Leo Degal
Il y a 25 jours
Hello and welcome on Fyctia website ! This is a strictly French speaking website, so I don’t know if you are going to find any readers, but who knows ? To ease the reading, I would suggest that you add a line break after each of your paragraph, and it seems that you did sometimes without punctuation, which does not help either.
The story is very fast paced, almost like a short story rather than a novel, and pretty grim. I really don’t know what to make of it. Feel free to ask if you want info about Fyctia. You might be more at home on another writing website.
Princess of the sky
Il y a 25 jours
Eh bien, merci de m'avoir informé de cette information, je vais m'efforcer dans la prochaine partie, et ce sera en français.
5 commentaires
Il y a 24 jours
Il y a 24 jours
Seb Verdier
Il y a 24 jours
Leo Degal
Il y a 25 jours
Princess of the sky
Il y a 25 jours